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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hello! Oh man, there's a whole bunch of stuff that I want to talk about, but I am being so damn lazy. Procrastination is what blogging has become for me.

It's not that I don't want to write, its just that many of my posts end up not seeing the light of day because I get distracted half way through and when I come back to finish them, it always seems that the information they contain are not relevant any longer.

Oh well. I am going to start writing again! Several minor updates, which I will be talking about more in future posts:

1) Microsoft's X10 event wrapped up about two weeks ago. Lots of juicy details for upcoming games were revealed, including first ever game play videos of games like Fable 3 and Halo Reach.

2) I survived Valentines' Day 2010, thankfully!

3) On the flip side, Chinese New Year 2010 was a fail for me when it comes to ang bao.

4) I had several interesting outings over the pass few days.

5) Mass Effect 2 seriously kicks ass.

6) I'm making plans on celebrating my 18th birthday, hopefully at a chalet.

7) I've decided to stop being a pussy and go get my piercing.

8) I am beginning to love Korean girls a lot.

9) Korea has their own series of movies similar to American Pie!

10) Super secret announcement that I am really happy and proud of!

Yeah, that's 10 updates which I could think of. But I'm not going to be talking about them, because they are meant for other posts! For now, I'm going to be watching Naruto Shippuden episodes. That is, if I can get myself to playing Mass Effect 2 first. Check back soon!

posted @ 9:26 AM

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hello! Whoa! I got a lot of photos to upload onto Facebook! I'm not uploading majority of the random shots in school, unless they're exceptionally funny/awesome/WTF-inducing, because I'm free but not that free, but I will be uploading all those other shots soon!

These include photos taken during photography, as well as outings. I lost most of my fashion photography photos several weeks ago, and I was really, really disappointed, because fashion photography was the best lesson of the whole module, but I recently managed to get half of them back! That's better than nothing, I guess.

So yes, I'll be uploading a whole bunch of photos soon!

Ugh, I am having a migraine right now. I don't know why, but I suspect it's because of the warm weather just now, combo-ed with the smell of my mother's cooking from the kitchen. It's not that her cooking smells bad, it's just that the smell is too strong. Doesn't help that my bedroom is right opposite the kitchen.

I woke up at 3pm today. Result of staying up until 4.30am yesterday playing DotA. I've already told myself that I ain't going to get addicted to DotA again, so I'm just a social DotA player! Like you know, social smokers or drinkers don't smoke or drink unless at social events. Same with me and DotA :D

Since I woke up until now, I've only left my bed four times. Once to eat lunch, once to bathe, once to say bye to my uncle and auntie, and one last time to eat dinner. I don't plan on moving anymore. Yes, today is a lazy lazy Sunday.

Maybe it's because I'm not moving, so my blood circulation and respiration are too slow, and my heart can't pump enough oxygenated blood to my brain. Maybe I should move a little so my brain doesn't suffocate to death. But you know what? I think I'll take my chances, because I'm feeling too lazy to move.

Today, I'll be starting this new segment I'll be doing on my blog from time to time. Trailers for video games and movies are released daily. Watching through a trailer once is only going to tell you the release date for the product.

You've got to watch it several times to really get every bit of information out of it. That's where I come in. Your geeky, fanatic, nothing better to do friend, Shiva! I'll be doing an analysis of the latest game and movie trailers as they are released, but only if I am interested in them myself.

To start things off, I'll be taking a look at the debut trailer for this year's biggest anime game, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2. The first game was released exclusively for the Playstation 3 in 2007, and now, it's sequel is coming at us!

In this trailer, most of the footage is from cinematic, but there are several seconds of actual gameplay.

Here's the trailer:

The trailer begins with all the usual developer and publisher logos, then it quickly changes to a scene of Naruto and a clone leaping down to Kakashi. Kakashi is using Raikiri and Naruto and the clone are using Rasengan.

Their attacks clash and the impact causes waves to form on the water that they are fighting on. I don't recall Naruto ever really fighting Kakashi this seriously, so there are two possibilities.

One is that this is actually a Versus mode fight, but I doubt that, because it looks pre-rendered. The other possibility is that this is during the period which Kakashi and Yamato help Naruto train for Rasen-Shuriken. So maybe we'll finally get to use that move in a Naruto game? Definitely keeping my fingers crossed.

Then this pops up, pretty much confirming that the game would take place during the Shippuden time line. This was expected since the first game ended with the Naruto vs Sasuke fight of the original series.

Naruto suddenly goes into fox mode while his Rasengan clashes with Kakashi's Raikiri. As far as I can remember, Naruto only clashed with Kakashi once during training for Rasen-Shuriken, and while he did lose control many times during the training, he didn't when he clashed attacks with Kakashi. Maybe a slight deviation from the story?

The title for the game is revealed to be Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, the sequel to the first game. The calligraphy brush art style can be seen in the title, similar to the one used in Street Figther IV. I guess it is fitting, since people in Naruto's world write with calligraphy brushes.

Here we see Naruto fully entering his fox mode. I really like the attention to graphics, like the tiny glowing specs within his chakra field, the thick, sketchy lines to emphasize his rage, and his facial expression.

The trailer then transitions from Naruto and Kakashi's fight to a series of random scenes. This one looks like it's from the beginning of Shippuden, when Naruto and Sakura take the bell test again. This is definitely the impact of Sakura's punch, as seen in the trailer.

This is during the fight against Sasori. Sakura punches through one of his puppets, destroying it. Once again, attention is paid to the fine detail. Look at the individual parts of the puppet fly as it shatters! Also, seals can be seen on some parts of the debris.

This is a really random scene of a hundred copies of Naruto launching upwards to the sky like rockets, defying gravity as they do so. I like how they don't all have the same expressions. But I can confirm that this is Naruto's Shadow Clone Jutsu being used, not a cutscene.

Deidara makes an appearance. This scene is from the part where he fights and captures Gaara. Since earlier footage already showed Sakura fighting Sasori to rescue Gaara, we could assume that this part would have already been in the game, but it's nice to see that it is confirmed.

An explosion caused by Deidara. This can either be a cutscene, or one of Deidara's in game special attacks.

I'm assuming that this is from the Sasori fight, because he does have an attack similar to this in that fight, but it also looks kinda like Kakuzu doing one of his attacks as well. Maybe Kakuzu and Hidan will be making an appearance in the game as well?

Sakura gives Kakashi a punch, which he blocks. However, the impact of the punch causes the ground below to shatter. Apparently, Kakashi's body and legs are more sturdy than the rock hard ground.

More importantly, this confirms that the bell test part is in the game. Whether it will be playable or not is another question.

Deidara is confirmed for the game. I like the detail the developers have given to the mouths on his palms, like the saliva and the way the tongue wags about hungrily.

Sasori is confirmed too. He is taking out his scroll, which he uses to summon his puppets. Other than the detail to the characters, I like how the battlefield has been accurately recreated.

Sasori summons his army of puppets, confirming that the 10 vs 100 puppet fight between him and Chiyo Baasama is in the game. It is good that the puppets don't all look the same.

Here we catch a first glimpse of the in game combat. As you can see, the battlefield is huge, as compared to previous Naruto games. Also, details like Chiyo Baasama's chakra strings can be seen.

Sasori is able to control his puppet army and use them to attack the player. I hope the puppets in the background are able to move around as well, and not just remain stationary.

Kazekage Gaara takes on Deidara above the Sand Village. Look closely, and you'll notice that individual grains of sand can be seen.

Deidara dodges Gaara's attacks. I like the motion blur, and it would be cool if we could fly around using the bird when playing as Deidara.

Thousand years of pain! This is most likely a cutscene, but I wouldn't rule out the possibility of it being one of Naruto's specials.

Really badass scene with Chiyo Baasama and her 10 puppets. I love how the puppets turned out, because they look exactly like their anime counterparts. In the background, you can see further evidence of how much detail was put in. To get into the cave, Sakura shattered the boulder blocking the entrance, and the remains can be seen.

This is probably part of a cutscene. Sakura is delivering a kick to what looks like the former Kazekage puppet. Details like the dust trail from Sakura's boot give the game more of the anime vibe.

One of Chiyo Baasama's puppets punches a hole through Sasori's puppet. This is definitely part of a cutscene, but I would really love to be able to play as one of the puppets during this sequence.

This is Deidara's bomb dropping towards the Sand Village.

Its mouth gets distorted by the wind as it falls towards the village.

Attention is paid to the facial expression of the characters. This look is common in the Naruto anime and manga, and it makes an appearance in the game as well.

The bomb lands on what seems like the sand village, but if you watched the anime or read the manga, you will know that Gaara saved the village just in time by protecting it with a barrier of sand.

Another in game fight scene. From the way Naruto's clones moved in the trailer, it is possible for the player to be controlling all three at once via different buttons, but I think it's more likely that the AI will be controlling them. This confirms that Shadow Clone Jutsu is in the game.

And this confirms that Rasengan is in the game. Will there be other forms of the Rasengan in the game? Like, say, Rasen-Shuriken? Pleeeease?

So the game is announced for the Playstation 3, which is expected since the first one was a PS3 exclusive.

But this time round, Xbox owners are going to be able to enjoy the game as well. I'm really hoping that they port the first one for the 360 as well, and bundle both for a limited edition. I would totally buy it.

Once again, the expression on the characters' faces changes, as we can see with Sakura above. Also, notice that whip looking thing behind her. That's actually a sword from one of Sasori's puppets, and possibly the one she uses to finish him off.

Naruto is seen standing in a foresty area, with the bell from the bell test in his hand. Again, this confirms the sequence for the game, but not whether it will be playable or not.

Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 will be hitting store shelves in Fall 2010, which means the period from September to November. That is if it doesn't get delayed, which I'm hoping that it won't.

After the release window for the game is mentioned, there is a short clip of Sasuke fighting Naruto. He uses this move, which is something he learns while training with Orichimaru.

Also, Sasuke has Akatsuki robes on. This can either be just an extra costume to select while playing versus, or it could be related to the story. If it is related to the story, that would mean that the game will at least cover the events up to the point when Sasuke first joins Madara and dons the Akatsuki robe.

That includes thing like the rescue Gaara arc, the first time Naruto confronts Sasuke at Orochimaru's hideout, Orochimaru vs the 4 tails, the Hidan & Kakuzu arc, the Sasuke vs Deidara arc, all the way until Sasuke defeats Itachi. That would mean that I'll be getting my Rasen-Shuriken! :D

Of course, there are still a whole lot of unknowns for this title, and I'm expecting more information to be released as its release date draws closer. The first game was well received by majority of the critics, so I'm keeping my hopes high about this one.

The other next gen Naruto series, which includes the Naruto: Rise of a Ninja and Naruto: The Broken Bond games, is expected to release its third game as well this year end. This means that there will be a power struggle among both games to attract more Naruto fans, but you know what?

I don't really care, because it's only going to mean that I'll be having more Naruto games to play this year end.

posted @ 11:51 PM

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Hello! I am totally in the holiday mood right now. This is usually the time of the year when all Poly students are frantically preparing for project presentations, and the exam weeks will follow soon after. Logically speaking, I should be stressed to the max right now.

But no.

The bulk of my stress producers (oooh Psychology) are gone. I'm just left with an individual speech presentation, which I'm really looking forward to, Photography group project, and one last group presentation for Psychology. Other than that, there aren't any more assignments left for Poly year 1. Even my end semester tests are already over.

So yes, I am in the holiday mood! It's basically holidays already for me people! But no, I will not rest until everything is properly finished up.

AHAHAHAHA. Who am I kidding. I just wrapped up an hour long Xbox session and then I decided to write blog.

On a side note, Bayonetta's difficulty is no joke! Getting my ass kicked while playing on NORMAL difficulty. That's the second easiest difficulty setting by the way. "This difficulty setting is for players who have played action games before" says the description when you highlight normal difficulty.

As cool as this scene looks, it's just several seconds away from a Game Over screen. Trust me.

Nothing wrong with that right? Here's how a gamer sees it. "This difficulty setting is for players who aren't complete PUSSIES" Normal mode starts out alright, but it really gets tough as it progresses.

The temptation of changing the difficulty down to easy has emerged in my mind more than once, especially during several ridiculous parts which pit you against enemies whom are tough enough for you to mistake them for bosses, but then the real boss arrives and tears you a few new holes, but I fought it back, because easy mode is automatic.

This means that all attacks and combos will be automatically performed for you by the AI, all you've got to do is continuously hit the Y button, which is basically as fun as doing a Powerpoint presentation. At least when doing the presentation, there is the challenge of needing to know when to change slides.

Ok, I just realised that I am deviating from what I was initially saying. That's what happens when I start thinking about games.

Back to what I was saying. I decided the write blog! It's been what, like a month since I last posted? Blame it on school, and all the projects and assignments that comes bundled with. But that said, I still love school, so just blame it on my inability to plan my time well :D

I finally decided to stop procrastinating and get started on my training routine! It consists of 16 weeks of proper diet, gym and cardio. Technically, the 16 weeks are going to start next next week, once my holidays begin, but until then I'm doing the cardio part.

I went swimming this morning, after like a year long hiatus. I wanted to go at 8 in the morning, where the weather would be cooling and the pool water still clean, but I only woke up at 11. Despite it nearing the worst time possible for a swim, I decided to go with it. Besides I'm already dark a little darker wouldn't do any harm.

But whoa, has my swimming stamina dipped or what. After 18 laps my body hurt like crap and I couldn't even do one lap of free style at my maximum speed. Disappointed. I'm going to train until I am back on form. I swam for an hour, then took a shower, and went to meet Say Yin.

Along the way, I dropped by at this skate shop in Queensway, because it was nearby. If I'm not wrong, this is the shop that Damien goes to because he knows the shop owner. They recommended several pair of skates for me, but all are within the $350-$600 range.

I also saw those pair of skates Damien was talking about; the ones where you just clip onto your own pair of shoes. Those were $400 if I'm not wrong. Oh well, I can't afford them just yet, but hey, my birthday is coming soon! Only 2 more months! :D

Then I went to meet Say Yin at Marina Square. We played pool for two hours or so, then we went to have Pepper Lunch. It's been a really long while since I ate there. Tried the hamburger today. I want to try the spaghetti next time I go there!

After lunch, we went down to Vivocity to pay Desiree a visit at her workplace! First time I drank a drink from the Boost store. It had strawberries, bananas and some other stuff in it. Tasted like frozen Yakult. I like.

We then went back to city area to have dinner at Wendy's, which is my new favourite fast food restaurant. The food is cheaper than Burger King and Carl's Jr, and in my opinion, tastes better too.

Only bad thing about Wendy's is the fries. They are probably one of the worst among all fast food restaurants, but that's alright because the burger makes up for it with its 3/4 pounds of SHEER AWESOMENESS.

So yeah, the holidays are now coming. Next week is going to be the final week of year numero uno. That means the last few days I'll be sharing with my awesome awesome class 1C01. We're still going to be in the same lecture theatres and all, but we're never going to be in the same class again.

As much as I know that I'm going to miss all the crazy shit that went down, I am also looking forward to the upcoming well deserved holidays. By right, there's supposed to be three more weeks before the holidays, but because we only have 1 end semester test, it was brought forward to last week.

So CMM people have holidays starting from 13 February 2010 all the way until 19 April 2010. That's 9 weeks by the way. That may be too long, and would get boring really fast under normal circumstances, but a whole lot of things are going to be happening during that period.

The most major one is of course my trip to University of Western Australia (UWA), which is in Perth, for an exchange programme. The trip has already been confirmed, and it will be from 19th March to 2nd April. It was initially stated that the cost would be $3000, but it has now been cut down to $1850, because I'm sharing a room with 3 other guys.

The trip is actually part of a module called Global Citizenship. There will be lectures and tutorials held locally for a week, a field trip during the end of that week, a 25% weightage common test (for 1 week's worth of content, lol), the actual trip, then finally a group project when we get back to Singapore.

The whole thing is expected to take up the whole holidays. Meaning that not only am I paying for the trip, I'm also giving away my holidays.

But it's ok, because 1) I'll be spending it with most of my good friends, 2) There will only be lecturer supervision for a week, 3) We're staying in a 3.5 star hotel, 4) I'll have full access to an (almost) personal gym and pool for 2 weeks and finally, 5) It'll be an experience that I won't forget.

Other than the exchange programme, there also all the outings planned for during the holidays. I'll definitely need to catch up with the guys from MSHS. And I really need to do all the things that I've wanted to do for a long long time.

I want to go jamming. I want to learn how to roller blade properly. I want to buy a new guitar. I want to buy skates. I want to complete a whole bunch of games. I want to stay over at people's houses. I want to slack the night away outdoors at certain places.

There are already several outings happening the week after next. There's the roller blade day at ECP. I want to go back to the barrage and fly kite again, this time with more people. And our 2 alliance groups need to go to ECP food village for all that good food again! TULANG LA SIA.

By the time the holidays are over and Semester 2.1 starts, I'll be 18 years old. I plan to take my driving theory soon. I want to pass and get my driving license by the end of this year, if it is possible.

I was looking at a whole list of second hand cars a few days ago. The prices ranged from $9,000 for a vintage Mazda model to $650,000 for a Lambo. Oh well, looks like the Lambo is going to have to wait for a while. A LONG LONG while.

I'll also be attempting to work from home during the holidays, rather than work outdoors. Some of you might know that I have been working on the script for this trilogy of games for several years now.

While the script for the first game is still a long way from being done, I've decided to try and do something useful for the time being.

Rather than waste my holidays away, I'm going to look for a small team of talented individuals. I need someone who can draw Western comic book style (meaning that characters look human, and have normal faces unlike the bug eyed characters found in manga), and someone good at inking and colouring. I'll provide the story.

I already have all these scenes in my head, but I'm a fail artist, so I need some one to help me put all those scenes down on paper. As for the colouring, I can do that, but I'd rather have someone dedicated to it.

If you can draw/colour/ink like this, I want you.

The plan is for us to work on the first issue of the comic, then put it on as many social websites a possible IE. Facebook, Deviantart, etc. It would obviously be better to have a copyright before doing this.

We then approach as many local publishers as possible, until one decides to give us a chance. Then I would be a small step closer to realising my dream of having my own universe of characters, with manga style of storytelling but Western comic style of art.

If this whole thing is successful, whatever money we get will be split 25 - 25 - 25, no questions asked and no strings attached. The remaining 25% will be kept as back up and for promotions.

Imagine, if we make a thousand from sales, that's $250 per person. And the best part about this whole thing is that we only need to work hard at the start, then we can sit back and relax as the money comes in.

So yes, if anyone is interested, just leave a note. It would be better if I know you personality, and if you are located in Singapore. Don't just go for the money, you've got to hear me out and you yourself will have to be interested. There isn't that high a priority for this whole project, just several hours a week will be enough.

I will also be doing that 16 week training thing I was mentioning earlier throughout the holidays. This training will ensure that I get about 8-16 kg of muscle at the end, but I don't want that! I'll just be following the training schedule until I'm happy with how I look, then I'll stop.

Finally, I want to get new clothes and hair before year 2 starts. I am freakin uncomfortable with wearing other colours, but I'm going to try to do that. That means that I'll need to get new clothes soon. But I am hopeless at getting clothes, so I will need a shopping companion. Anyone?

I also want to get my hair cut properly. I have always been doing it the way my parents want me to, so I'm going to try something new for a change. I'm thinking of shaving the sides, and a little of the back, while keeping more hair on the rest of my head. I'll be keeping a little of my fail fringe I think.

The back will have to be cut in a V shape, and I'll be letting it grow into a tail. The hair on the top of my head will probably be made into a Mohawk, or I might just leave it as it is, I'm not too sure about that yet.

Something like this. Bonus points if I can rock the beard. I can grow it definitely, but will I look good with it?

I'll also be piercing my ear, since my mom has already given me the green light. I'm thinking two or three piercings on my left year. I'll probably be using those ear studs that look like nut and bolts, or those that look like bones.

So yes, the holidays are coming, and a whole lot of things are going to be happening over the next few months. So far, 2010 is shaping up to be a much more awesome year for me than 2009 was, and a whole lot of good things are already happening :D

Also, since the holidays are coming, and I'm much more free now, I'll be posting more often! So remember to check back tomorrow for more awesome shiva-ness! See you! (:

posted @ 11:17 PM

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Hello! The first week of 2010 has past, and we're left with 51 more weeks of it, or if you think like me, many many many hours left. The year is still young! With all those weeks left to come and go, no one can be certain about what to expect from the year.

But still, there's always those fixed things that are sure to happen, and we can always look forward to them. Here are, in no particular order, 10 things that I'm looking forward to this year.

1) Turning 18

If you've been reading my previous posts, you probably already know how excited I am about turning 18. I mean, being 18 years old is sort of a big deal. Remember when we were all in primary school, and when we met someone who was 18 years old, we'd all be in awe.

Now it doesn't feel all that amazing to be the age, but the privileges you get are still pretty cool. There are no many age restrictions left for you. M18 movies and games, drinks, cigarettes are now legal if you purchase them.

You get to learn how to drive. And despite the fact that sex has been legal since you were 16, girls tend to get a bit more relaxed about the whole thing when they turn 18.

Of course, turning 18 also means that you're getting older, so that means more responsibilities, and you're expected to behave better since you are no longer a minor, meaning you can be arrested.

We're also a year closer to NS, getting married, having kids, and dying. But still, I am really looking forward to turning 18. My parents have been treating me like an adult since I was 15, but now I really am closer than ever to being one, so soon they won't even be controlling me any longer.

So basically, the reason why I'm looking forwards to 18, is not just for all the added perks in life, but also due to the fact that soon, I'm going to be free. Really free, not that false sense of freedom your parents give you throughout your early teenage years. It's going to be worth the wait.

2) Year 2 in TP

I love Temasek Polytechnic. I ain't saying that because I'm being forced to. I really love the place, from the bottom of my heart. To me, TP is a place of energy, happiness and fun. It's a place where I can be myself, a place where I can actually enjoy learning.

I'm almost done with a whole year in CMM. Back then, when I was applying for my course, I was selecting a course, I was really unsure. Now, I have no regrets. Getting into CMM was one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

Besides being able to do what I am passionate about, I got the opportunity to meet a whole lot of awesome people, do things that I have never done before, a really develop into a better individual. If I had applied for a different course, or even for JC, I don't think I would really be this happy with life right now.

Year 1 is not yet even over, and I am already looking forward to year 2. It was just the basics which we were learning this year, and next year, we get to do all the cool stuff. The fact that we get full access to the MediaBiz Studios, possibly the coolest place in all of TP, is more than enough to psych me up.

3) Learning to Drive

Hello, this isn't just anything, it's driving! Everyone should look forward to this. My parents are fully supportive of me learning how to drive, and they want me to enroll as soon as possible. And seeing how the new driving law has yet to be passed, I can still learn it as soon as I turn 18!

I am seriously hoping that I can pass on my first attempt. I've been sitting at the passenger seat in my dad's car since I was in kindergarten, so I've spent a whole lot of time watching how he drives. Singapore streets aren't that big an issue either because I can remember how to get to many of the locations I've been to before.

Once I passed, my dad claims that he'll loan me his car on several occasions. I'm guessing that I'll become his chauffeur. But it doesn't matter, because I would be able to drive. Until I save up enough cash for a second hand ride. Just a few more thousands :D

4) All the New Games + Natal

It has been happening every year since the start of this generation, and it is no different for 2010. No matter how crazily awesome one year's line up of games may seem to be, the next year will be better.

2009 was undeniably a great year for gamers, with huge titles like Modern Warfare 2 and Assassin's Creed 2 being released, but 2010 is already shaping up to be more epic.

As some of you might have heard, a whole lot of games due holiday 2009 were delayed thanks to Modern Warfare 2. The game had an insane amount of hype surrounding it, so many developers decided that it was pointless competing with it.

These delays may have sucked last year, but seeing how many of them are due this year, I am not complaining.

2010 already started off well with Bayonetta, which many critics claim to be the best action game yet, and the rest of the year is looking fine with tens of awesome games due for release, like Halo Reach, Dead Rising 2, Final Fantasy XIII and Bioshock 2.

To top it all off, 2010 is the year that Microsoft will be releasing Natal, its much anticipated motion sensing camera. Natal isn't just another accessory for the Xbox 360; it's almost like a new console on its own.

Sure, it needs to be plugged into the 360, and it works in conjunction with 360 games, but Natal really opens up new doors for developers and gamers alike. Yes, I am kind of disappointed that Natal is considered the next Xbox, and that there isn't going to be an Xbox 720 any time soon, but the idea of Natal is quite interesting, don't you think?

5) Games Convention Asia 2010

I went to GCA for the first time in my life last year. I almost got an orgasm. It has always been a dream of mine to be able to attend E3 on day, ever since I first read about in back in 2004. Well, I can't say that my dream was fulfilled, but it was definitely a satisfying experience being able to attend a game convention.

Believe it or not, I didn't know GCA 2009 was even taking place when I was at Suntec. I was watching a movie later that day, and I had gone to Marina Square earlier to get tickets. After a while I got a stomach ache, and I remembered the nice, clean, spacious toilets in the Suntec convention hall.

So I headed down to Suntec and this huge yellow sign board caught my eye. It was for GCA 2009, and when I saw the dates, I realised that it had just begun that day. So I went up, signed in, and I forgot all about my stomach ache. I attended GCA 2009 for three of its four days.

Aside from getting to play games which were yet to be released, I also got to enjoy the discounted prices for games and memberships, and of course, let us not forget about the awesome cosplayers.

This year, I'm looking forward to attend all four days of GCA. And with games like Halo Reach, Metal Gear Rising and the much anticipated Project Natal expected to make appearances, I am more excited about it than ever. I also haven't forgotten about my plan to go dressed as a Big Daddy!

GCA 2010 will take place from 8th-12th September 2010 at the Suntec Convention Hall. Which is great for me, because it conveniently takes place during the polytechnic holidays. But damn it, it takes place during everyone else's holidays too so I guess I'm going to have to fight for a chance to play games with dumb secondary school kids.

Anyways, if you are a gamer of any sort, you owe it to yourself to be there! It may not be all that epic, but it's still the closest we'll ever get to E3, and it isn't going to be held in Singapore every year, so enjoy it while we still can.

6) Buying a PS3

Oh what is this? Shiva, the Xbox 360 fanboy, is thinking of getting a PS3? Alright let me get one thing straight. I ain't a fanboy. I stopped being one ever since my brain got developed enough to think properly.

I respect the Playstation 3. Sure, this generation hasn't exactly been a good one for it, but it still managed to persevere on. If it was anyone other than Sony, they'd have killed off the console by now. But they didn't, and now, the PS3 is finally starting to pick up.

Make no mistake, the Xbox 360 is still going to be my main gaming platform, because I grew up with Microsoft consoles and I am really familiar with them. I want a PS3 because I feel that there are finally games exclusively on the PS3 that are worth trying. These include inFamous, Metal Gear Solid, and of course, Uncharted 2.

Also, the PS3 has Wi-Fi, an Internet browser, and it is also a Blu-Ray player. While its motion wand thing isn't a big a deal as Xbox 360's Natal, I am still pretty intrigued by it. If nothing else, you have to admit that it looks pretty damn sexy.

With the PS3 Slim now out, I'm just waiting for the God of War 3 bundle to hit stores, then I'll try to convince my brother to help me buy it.

I am still never ever buying a Wii though, because it is shit.

7) Perth Trip

Yes, I'm going to Perth this year! But I'm not going there as a holiday with my family or anything. I signed up for an exchange programme between my course and the University of Western Australia.

The trip will be taking place in late March, and it spans three weeks. Now, the trip isn't cheap at all, costing $3000, which only covers air fare and lodging, but I'm really glad that my parents allowed me to go.

It's all about learning new things and making new friends. Also, we won't be supervised at all after the first few days, and we are CMM people, so let's just say that its going to be crazy shit. Really looking forward to it.

8) Epic Journeys

The blacknight thoroughly looks forward to this. Ever since the term of the second, our marry party hast been heading out on journeys of the epicest sort. To the suspending bridge in the sky we travelled. To the kingdom of great foods along the East Coast we went. The discovery of the great lower reservoir of the Peirce. And let us not forget the magnificent barrage of the Marina.

A new year hath dawned upon us, and the blacknight hast foreseen in his dark rift portal the future. And the future consists of numerous new journeys. The memories of our future are still bleak for majority of us, and it is up to us to bring the hammer upon the anvil of our minds, and forge eternal memories.

We shalt hath epic journeys in this tenth year of the 2000s, and we shalt start the new decade with good times to remember. Impromptu or planned, the blacknight is up for them all. All thou hast to do is send the Blacknight a sign, and he shalt come riding on his worthy steed, Ruin.

9) A4 Album

Yes, this is one of my New Year resolutions, but it was only when I told my band mates about it that I got more enthusiastic about it. This will be an epic album, featuring both original songs as well as covers.

We are an awesome band, and bands like ours aren't common. After all, how do you combine two classical guitars, a violin and a ukulele together and make music that people would actually want to listen to? But I prefer it this way, because when we come up with songs, we really have to be creative.

We have already decided that we have to make songs based on our moods at various periods of time, and several songs may even be created overseas, during the Perth trip. If we can all finish the album by Christmas 2010, it'll be the best Christmas present I have ever received.

10) Love

Yes, that is pretty self explanatory. It's been more than a year since I last had it, and I am really missing the feeling. While I am alright on my own most of the time, there are some times when I really need someone. We all do. After one whole crappy year, I'm hoping 2010 will be a better one for me.

So there you have it, 10 reasons why I'm thinking 2010 will be an awesome year. Now I got to get back to my assignments, things are really starting to get busy! Check back soon, and thanks for reading :D

posted @ 11:18 PM


-Gamer for life
-17 years old
-15 April 1992
-1.92m, 6 ft 3 in
-HP no.:9******* [ask me yourself]
-Hair:Black [some white :( ]
-Race:3/4 Indian,1/4 Chinese
-Current school:Temasek Polytechnic [Comm. and Media Management]
-Secondary School: Maris Stella High School[1B,2E,3K,4K]
-Primary School: Zhangde Primary School[1/4,2/4,3/1,4/1,5/2,6/2]
-O level L1R5: 14, L1B4: 11
-PSLE T-score:237
-2 siblings,brother and sister
-Wants to be a game writer


-Xbox 360
-Playing basketball
-Wearing my hoodie jacket
-Playing guitar
-Bullet for my Valentine
-Rise Against
-One Piece
-Angry Video Game Nerd
-Gametrailers community
-Finally having a HDTV :D
-The colour black
-FOOD.[Especially Indian food =D]
-Hanging out with friends
-Listening to music
-Watching movies with twisted or sexual humour
-Screaming/growling along to metal songs
-Participating in CBS
-Reading Wikipedia pages
-Getting raped
-Doing model kits
-Having people come over to my house
-Staying over at other houses
-Fiona Xie =X


-Exams[damn stressful]
-Emo people [I only like HAPPY people]
-Racists [Ok so I hate the entire S'pore. Kiddin.=D]
-Crap movies [like the Epic movie, Superhero movie, Disaster movie series]
-Singapore law [so strict that everyone becomes a pu**y]
-My guitar e string snapping
-FANBOYS[Especially the PS3 breed]
-People who are taller than me
-Mean people
-Antisocial people
-Getting disconnected from an online game
-My computer [I need a new one]
-Maths and Science
-Overly crowded places
-Using my brain too much
-Any game that requires too much thinking
-Red Ring Of Death!!![google that]
-DC heroes [Only Batman comes close to being cool]
-Not having enough cash
-CONDOMS [get what I mean?:D]



|Xbox Singapore|
|Saiyan Island|


-At least a 37" HDTV
-Hoodie jacket
-Get Good Results for O Level
-ATM Card
-Get into the Poly course I want
-New Shoes
-New jeans
-More Games [30 XB360 games]
-More Games [50 XB360 games]
-More Games [70 XB360 games]
-Two New Controllers
-Cannon 500D DSLR Camera
-Redecorated Room
-One New Controller
-More Money [no amount is enough!!]
-To Make a Video Game
-Fiona Xie [hey it is a WISHlist]
-More Games [100 XB360 games]
-New Clothes
-To be an awesome guitarist [once again, this is a WISHlist.]
-Screen Capture Card
-Les Paul Guitar
-Marshall Amplifier
-Slipknot Masks!!!
-Bean Bag Chair




-Gamertag: HoJ 117
-Gamerscore: 24100
-Gamerzone: Recreation
-Number of Consoles: 2
-Number of Xbox games: 27
-Number of Xbox 360 games: 75


1. Dead or Alive 4
2. Marvel Ultimate Alliance
3. Gears of War
4. Fifa 07 Soccer
5. Superman Returns
6. Tony Hawk's Project 8
7. Lost Planet: Extreme Condition
8. Dead Rising
9. Crackdown
10. Rainbow Six Vegas
11. Def Jam Icon
12. Guitar Hero 2
13. Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
14. Bioshock
15. Halo 3
16. The Orange Box
17. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
18. Assassin's Creed
19. Naruto: Rise of a Ninja
20. Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
21. Devil May Cry 4
22.Army of Two
23. Guitar Hero 3
24. Grand Theft Auto 4
25. Ninja Gaiden 2
26. Battlefield: Bad Company
27. Burnout Paradise
28. Alone in the Dark
29. Unreal Tournament 3
30. GUN
31. Tomb Raider Anniversary
32. Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
33. Saints Row 2
34. Fable 2
35. Spider-Man: Web of Shadows
36. Fallout 3
37. Gears of War 2
38. Far Cry 2
39. Call of Duty: World at War
40. Left 4 Dead
41. Guitar Hero World Tour
42. Naruto: The Broken Bond
43. Mirror's Edge
44. Rock Band
45. Skate 2
46. Lord of the Rings Conquest
47. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
48. Halo Wars
49. Street Fighter IV
50. Mass Effect
51. Ninja Blade
52. Guitar Hero Metallica
53. The Godfather II
54. X-Men Origins: Wolverine
55. Bionic Commando
56. Red Faction: Guerilla
57. Prototype
58. BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger
59. Batman: Arkham Asylum
60. Bully Scholarship Edition
61. Guitar Hero 5
62. Halo 3: ODST
63. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
64. Brutal Legend
65. Borderlands
66. Kameo: Elements of Power
67. Armoured Core 4
68. Modern Warfare 2
69. Dragon Age Origins
70. Assassin's Creed 2
71. DJ Hero
72. The Saboteur
73. Darksiders
74. Bayonetta
75. Mass Effect 2



|Yeow Boon|


|March 2008|
|April 2008|
|June 2008|
|August 2008|
|September 2008|
|October 2008|
|November 2008|
|December 2008|
|January 2009|
|February 2009|
|March 2009|
|April 2009|
|May 2009|
|June 2009|
|July 2009|
|August 2009|
|September 2009|
|November 2009|
|December 2009|
|January 2010|
|February 2010|


Witbyt's skins
